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这个主题公园以游乐设施为特色, tiny-brick创作, 世界级水族馆, 还有一个适合孩子和大人的水上乐园

很难说谁喜欢 加利福尼亚的乐 more: the little ones running around in a magical world created by 60 million LEGO plastic bricks, 或者他们的父母也会从中得到乐趣. 这 主题公园 in 卡尔斯巴德,在…的北边 圣地亚哥县, first opened in 1999, today is one of the most popular family destinations in the state.


的 park has 过山车s, 显示, 景点, many based on LEGO incarnations from 乐高电影、LEGO Friends、Ninjago、LEGO City和LEGO Duplo. It’s conveniently located within an hour or two of a variety of 主题公园 和 景点 in Southern California—but it’s also just a few minutes’ drive to a state beach. 


走过 Minil和美国 for a visual 和 structural jaw-dropper: expansive miniaturized LEGO recreations of Washington D.C.纽约,纽约和 旧金山,以及其他城市 洛杉矶’ 索菲体育场. Some of the cities have water elements like fountains 和 rivers 和 moving buses, 汽车, 和火车, 每一个, 包括 圣地亚哥那里有大量的Minil和er居民. Fun fact: 的 LEGO replica of New York City’s Freedom Tower is the tallest LEGO building in the country.


乐高电影系列的粉丝会喜欢的 乐高电影世界, 以字符, 景点, rides inspired by the films—like the Build Wat’evra You Wa’Na Build play zone, 重建埃米特的公寓, 还有Unikitty Disco Drop过山车. 不要错过 埃米特的飞行冒险之旅, in which you sit on a Triple Decker Flying Couch 和 immerse yourself in sights 和 sounds of the LEGO movies within a full-dome virtual screen.

乐高法拉利 & 比赛

Visitors with a need for speed are in for a thrill at the 乐高法拉利 & 比赛 吸引力, where they can sit inside a life-size Ferrari F40 made with 350,000块小塑料砖. 下一个, it’s time to get interactive at the Build 和 Test area, where they can assemble 和 fine-tune their own mini LEGO Ferrari, 哪一个可以在大斜坡上测试. 然后是扫描你的车并输入它的时候了, 几乎, onto the racetrack to compete with other participants’ creations. 一旦橡胶碰到路面, work the controls of the track-side racing kiosk to accelerate 和 通过 the competition while going for the fastest lap.


It’s easy to build a whole vacation around the 卡尔斯巴德 主题公园. 它有 两家现场酒店 而且很多 附近的酒店也. Beyond the main 主题公园, the resort also includes the 乐高水上乐园 with family slides, a wave pool 和 a build-a-raft lazy river, the adjacent 海洋生物水族馆这里有5000多种海洋生物. 

更多的游乐设施 & 乐高乐园的景点

While the focus here leans toward making little ones smile, there’s plenty to entertain bigger kids 和 grownups too. 该公园有60多个游乐设施, 显示, 景点—包括 three 过山车s (包括 the Dragon), 深海探险之旅, 海洋生物水族馆, 乐高之友的现场表演, entertainment 和 meet-和-greets with characters from various LEGO incarnations, 从忍者到 乐高电影 和乐高蝙蝠侠. 

这 is one that is sure to get the teens—or brave tweens—in your crew screaming at the inevitable adrenaline rush. On  过山车, 汽车扭曲, 转, 爬, 在一个巨大的乐高城堡里进出, 小丑之家, 骑士, 公主, 还有一条巨大的乐高积木龙.

深海探险, 驾驶学校, Ninjago the Ride

怎么样? 水下 乐高偏移? 在 深海探险 潜艇骑, 通过engers look through the sub’s portholes to find LEGO models 和 search for gold coins 和 other sunken treasures, 一直被游动的鱼包围着. At 驾驶学校, they get behind the wheel of electric LEGO 汽车 和 tool around on a winding track. 孩子们被鼓励练习遵守交通法规, 比如在红灯前停车, 并被授予驾驶执照.) In 忍者之旅, 孩子们被从一个大逃杀带到下一个大逃杀, 投掷动画火球, 闪电, 冲击波, 用冰来征服敌人.


At 海洋生物水族馆, interactive exhibits 和 360-degree immersive marine displays take visitors on a journey through various ocean habitats, all of them inhabited by diverse sea creatures from colorful fish to majestic sharks (as well as the occasional adventurous LEGO character). Make actual contact with tiny denizens of the ocean such as starfish 和 billowing sea urchins, while learning about marine conservation 和 ways to protect sea life.


升级你的常规主题公园门票 更少的等待时间,或把你的 公园门票 还有去水族馆的优惠票. Another way to spend less time in lines is to opt for the 贵宾体验 通过, which includes a personal host to escort you around the park, 优先使用所有游乐设施, 表演和景点, 一个幕后模型店之旅, 和更多的.


加利福尼亚的乐 offers an array of creative dining options that often go beyond classic 主题公园 fare. 享用汉堡和薯条 汉堡的厨房,烧烤和精酿啤酒 奈特熏制烧烤店, or help yourself to your favorite 意大利 specialties at the 披萨 & 意大利面自助餐. Those craving healthy choices can head to the salad bar at 趣城都市厨房, where they’ll assemble a s和wich of your liking right in front of you; fans of ramen, 饭碗, 沙拉应该是 一切都是拉面. 海洋生物水族馆内有 海洋之旅在美国,鱼、三明治和沙拉是重点. 为了满足爱吃甜食的人, 奶奶的苹果薯条 is a must-try, serving up unique apple treats with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Various snack kiosks around the park offer quick bites like popcorn, 冰淇淋, 油炸饼, 和饮料.


加利福尼亚的乐 offers two distinct lodging options for its guests. 的 乐高乐园酒店, 位于公园入口处, 设有海盗等主题房间, 王国, 冒险, 和乐高朋友, all of which are equipped with fun LEGO decor 和 interactive elements. 就在主走道的对面 乐高城堡酒店 提供住宿的主题,如骑士 & Dragons, Royal Princess, Magic Wizard, all of which evoke a medieval, castle-like experience. A stay at either hotel comes with benefits such as early park access, 儿童主题游乐区, 还有免费早餐.


往北30分钟就到了 圣地亚哥 往南一小时 阿纳海姆,乐高乐园的故乡 卡尔斯巴德 正好在南加州的中心, meaning there are plenty of other things do nearby: more 主题公园博物馆和世界著名的海滩 圣地亚哥县 和 奥兰治县)——更不用说这座城市自己的了 花海. To discover some of the region’s more under-the-radar points of interest, check out 你以为你了解圣地亚哥?所以你认为你了解阿纳海姆?在阿纳海姆可以做的5件神奇的事情.


卡尔斯巴德,CA 90028




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